Karl I of Austria lived virtue to a heroic degree, fulfilling his duties as a soldier, statesman, husband and father harmoniously and with a devotion which defies all modern expectation of what a head of state should be; and all this while facing the end, not only of his House, but of the whole empire which it represented and which he was anointed to lead under God.
The last emperor of Austria-Hungary, after a short, heroic life nourished by his Catholic faith and his intense devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, offered up all his sufferings and untimely death for his people, whom he had selflessly served his whole life.
One must also note that God granted Blessed Karl the grace needed to perfect himself, even in a time of catastrophe and to the point of great sacrifice, through his holy marriage to Servant of God Zita of Bourbon-Parma, the pious mother of his eight children and his most faithful companion in suffering and exile.
In this webinar, His Excellency Eduard Habsburg offers an insight into the life of his kinsman and his holy witness to the Catholic faith in the maelstrom of the First World War and the dissolution of his empire.
- The life, marriage and faith of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita
- How they carried the cross given them by divine providence
- Why they deserve to be our model of family and nation

- John Smeaton
Friday 7 October 2022
18:00 (UK time)
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HE Eduard Habsburg
His Excellency Eduard Habsburg is a diplomat, author and member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. He serves as Ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Order of Malta. He and his wife, Maria Theresia von Gudenus, have six children.
Charles Coulombe, Blessed Charles of Austria: a holy emperor and His legacy (Tan Books, 2020)
Prof. Dr. Hans Karl Zeßner-Spitzenberg, Death of an Emperor (The Emperor Karl League of Prayer)