
  • 6 Lessons


    An eye-opening 6-part course, essential for all those who wish to end the single greatest massacre in human history.
  • 1 Lesson

    Attacks against the family

    The idea of the family as the organic cell of society was unquestioned until the French Revolution.
  • 1 Lesson

    Baked in from the beginning: paedophilia and the sexual revolution

    The sexual revolution is a well-funded totalitarian movement, orchestrated by elites, which opposes God and nature.
  • 7 Lessons

    Behold Your King

    A seven-part course on the Catholic Social Teaching of Pius XI's 1925 encyclical, Quas Primas, instituting the feast of Christ the King. This course, led by Dr Alan Fimister, will begin on Monday 3 March at 12pm EST (5pm GMT) and run every Monday throughout Lent 2025.
  • 1 Lesson

    Blessed Karl and Empress Zita

    Emperor Karl and his wife Zita lived virtue to a heroic degree, defying all expectations of what heads of state should be.
  • 6 Lessons

    Divine law

    A 6-part course exploring the subcategory of divine revelation in which God tells man what He wants him to do.
  • 6 Lessons

    Natural law

    A 6-part course exploring the origins of the natural law tradition in ancient Greek philosophy and St Thomas Aquinas.
  • 1 Lesson

    Overturning Roe v Wade: one year on

    Two experts look back at the 1973 Supreme Court decision, now admitted to be “egregiously wrong from the start”.
  • 5 Lessons

    Parents as primary educators

    A 5-part course exploring Catholic teaching concerning the right and duty to educate and to whom that right belongs.
  • 1 Lesson

    The benefits of marriage and religious practice for children and society

    The social sciences study the relationships between people and show how man thrives in lifelong monogamous marriage.